A Shamans Initiation
Every time we close our eyes at night, our minds embark on what can only be described as a shamanic adventure. Our spirit departs from our body and travels to faraway lands while we sleep. You may say that this is a trip into the afterlife on the "unconscious" level. When we've been traumatized, our spirit leaves our body as a defense mechanism. There are a lot of reasons why our spirits leave the body, but very few of us have the option to do so whenever we like, but Shamans do.
Learn More About Trauma: Inner Child Wounding & Codependency
Many shamans need to endure a near-death experience before they may leave their bodies on purpose and go on a "shamanic voyage." This prepares the shaman for the experience of leaving their body on their own during shamanic healing by giving them a taste of what it's like to do so.
The shaman must first achieve a 'trance-like' condition in order to initiate a shamanic voyage. The mind can be set at ease with the help of specialized music or drumming that is tuned to the same frequency as the earth, or the "heartbeat" of the planet. Before entering another dimension, the shaman must create an 'intention,' invoke spirit guides, and ensure their safety.
Shamanic healing is multidimensional healing, healing past, present, and future lives. Through every incarnation, we experience trauma and get entangled in karma that affects not only our present but our future. Ever wonder why you have that fear of heights? Maybe you fell off a building in a past life and that's how you died. All of our fears and aversions are due to trauma being trapped in our luminous energy field, also called an Aura. A shaman helps release this trauma.
Learn More: What is an Aura?
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A shaman may embark on a journey for any number of reasons, including the pursuit of shamanic healing, contact with the spirit world, soul retrieval, or a meeting with the shaman's spirit animal.
The Science Behind Shamanic Healing
In shamanic medicine, the shaman collaborates with spirits (Angeles, Buddha, Jesus, etc) from the spiritual world, whom they refer to as "helping spirits." They will "call upon" these specters to make the necessary repairs to a person's spirit so that the person's body can recover from illness and trauma on Earth. To make touch with these beings, the shaman must enter a trance state and embark on a trip. The shaman's proficiency in reaching this heightened level of consciousness improves with experience and instruction.
When invoking shamanic healing, the shaman may consult with their spirit allies in the hopes of drawing "power" from the patient's oversoul (higher self) and reuniting the patient with their spirit guides and ancestors.
Those who have suffered severe emotional or physical abuse may have had their "spiritual force field" compromised or lost a piece of their soul. Consequently, they are more likely to have health problems, bad fortune, and emotional distress. The best candidates for a shamanic healing session are those who fall into this category.
Can I Benefit from Shamanic Treatment?
A shamanic healing session may help tremendously if you are feeling "lost" in life, have experienced significant trauma, or are trying to gain insight on how to proceed with a challenging circumstance. A shaman's role is minimal; they only mediate communication between you and your spiritual helpers on the other side, and they watch out for your soul the whole time. You may experience some discomfort, but know that it is for the greater good of your spiritual health.
Some people would rather learn shamanic healing on their own than go to a shaman for help. In reality, everyone may benefit from a shamanic healing journey; it only takes practice to enter the appropriate condition and guidance once there. A shaman is the only one who can enter the spirit realm with the goal to heal and the knowledge to do so; thousands of others can "astral project" into the spirit world.